Slovenija - popolna dežela za ribolov

Strast do ribolova pomeni nenehno iskanje novih lokacij, pravih strategij ribolova, in kar je najpomembneje – ujeti največjo ribo! Slovenija, dežela rek in jezer, je popoln ribiški raj, Blejsko in Bohinjsko jezero pa le dve lokaciji, kjer ribe pri nas najbolje prijemljejo.
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Zaradi vladnih ukrepov je trenutno mogoče le poslovanje s podjetji (B2B)

Zaradi obvladovanja epidemije COVID-19 je hostel Tresor od oktobra 2020 do nadaljnjega zaprt za nove goste na podlagi odloka o omejitvah dobave in prodaje blaga in storitev potrošnikom. Novi gostje lahko izjemoma uporabljajo nastanitvene storitve samo v primeru izjem. Kliknite na povezavo spodaj in preverite, če spadate v katero izmed njih.
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Postani Tresorjev rezidenčni DJ

Announcement, announcement! V naši hiši načrtujemo poletne, jesenske dogodke in za ta primer smo rekli, da odpremo vrata novim zvokom mladih nadobudnih DJ-jev, ki bi si želeli imeti svojo stalno rezidenco v naših prostorih. Kaj to točno pomeni? Pomeni, da si del naše glasbene zgodbe, imaš stalen prostor za ustvarjanje in kreiranje svoje glasbe ter tudi nekaj dodatnih ugodnosti, ki pripadajo hišnemu rezidentu...
Preberi več vidimo na Čopovi 38! // , 23. januar 2020

Dogodki v prihajajočem mesecu

24.1. Morning Yoga + Healthy Breakfast - atrij 9:00 26. 1. Bad Pritt koncert - bar 20:00 28.1. Potopisno predavanje Brazilija - atrij 19:00 1. 2. Massimo Silverio koncert - bar 20:00 12.2. Potopisno predavanje Altiplano - atrij 19:00 15. 2. Dead Matches koncert - klet 20:00 25. 2. Potopisno predavanje Peru in Ekvador - atrij 19:00
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every Friday in January 9am at our atrium // , 6. januar 2020

Morning Yoga + Healthy Breakfast

Join us in this week’s morning flow and wake up with yoga. In this session we will wake up our body in a gentle way and connect with our breaths right in the morning. After the session ask for a healthy breakfast at our bar!
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koncert // , 23. november 2019


Caroleena mixes delicate soul music with folk and R’n’B. She feels most comfortable playing face to face with her audience – where her music brings unity and joy to peoples’ hearts. The artist has taken her sound to many different places and audiences and is constantly looking for new ways to express herself. The first EP will be released in autumn – with full band lineup, strings and double bass she still stays true to her intimate sound. Authentic simplicity: voice, guitar, honest words – between intimate emotions and stories in which Caroleena critically observes her everyday world.
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Andreja's World / Travel with me // , 19. november 2019

Potopisno predavanje: Japonska

Dežela prijaznih ljudi, gejš in samurajev. Potovanje s hitrimi vlaki, ki peljejo do 320 km/h, je prav posebno doživetje. Točnost, urejenost, spoštovanje narave in sočloveka so vrline Japoncev. Veličastni budistični in šintuistični templji imajo bogato zgodovino in prekrasno arhitekturo. Nepozabni in predvsem zdravi kulinarični užitki polepšajo vsak dan na poti. Dih jemajoči so japonski vrtovi, v katerih se z vso svojo lepoto bohotijo tudi 300 let stara drevesa. V sproščujočih kopelih s termalno vodo lahko razvajate telo in duha. Bonsaji, makaki opice, vulkan Fuji, velemesta Tokyo in Osaka, spominski park Hiroshima – vse to in še veliko več je Japonska.
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Luka Dragar in Aljaž Bogataj // , 14. november 2019

Otvoritev razstave Ravnovesje

Lepo vabljeni na otvoritev fotografske razstave “Ravnovesje” 14. novembra ob 18h v Hostel Tresor - Ljubljana! Ravnovesje predstavlja izbor slik Luke Dragarja in Aljaža Bogataja. Fotografije zajemajo področja različnih urbanih in naravnih krajev ter skušajo predstaviti kontrast med naravo in mestom, med redom in navideznim kaosom, ki ga je prinesla urbanizacija. Zasnova in vsebina razstave namigujeta, da ima kljub morebitnim slabostim, vsaka stran v moderni družbi svoje mesto.
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Delavnica print linoreza/Linocut Printing Workshop

Ob zatvoritvi razstave Boruta Cigaleta 20. septembra ob 17h organiziramo delavnico printa njegovih linorezov na tekstil. Tekstil prinesite sami, barve priskrbimo mi. Dobrodošli tudi s svojimi linorezi! +++ Workshop will be about making linocut print on clothes. Bring your own t-shirts/bags/etc. please, the concept is about recycling stuff, so second hand clothes are welcome.
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Otvoritev razstave: Urbana reka (Goran Jakovac) 19. september

Urbana reka | Urban River Toplo vabljeni na otvoritev fotografske razstave "Urbana reka" 19. septembra 2019 ob 18. uri v atriju hostla Tresor. Krajinski arhitekt Goran Jakovac v objektiv najraje lovi nevsakdanje kompozicije in bežne trenutke na ljubljanskih urbanih brežinah, ki v mestnem vrvežu in naglici pogosto ostanejo neopaženi. Razstavljene fotografije predstavljajo avtorjev izbor najzanimivejših motivov, posnetih v letih, ki jih je preživel kot rečni kapitan na Ljubljanici.
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Art For Sleep Exchange: Mope Grooves + L.O.X concerts

Dear Tresor guests: Sunday September 15th we have two concerts on the menu! L.O.X (See My Friends / Portland, Oregon) Featuring members of The Woolen Men, Honey Bucket, and Mope Grooves, L.O.X is an exploded view of a community of artists in their hometown of Portland, OR. Their debut 12” LP on See My Friends, "L.O.X. Time" reached beyond a non-existent online presence to garner heavy airplay on WFMU and stunned accolades from Maximum Rock and Roll. MOPE GROOVES (See My Friends / Portland, Oregon) Since 2017, Mope Grooves has amassed a discography of 3 full-length LPs, "Joy", "Vanished", and "The Waves", and is preparing a fourth for their upcoming European tour. Part of a vibrant DIY scene in Portland, OR, Mope Grooves maintains a prolific output through their own local-only imprint See My Friends Records, which has releases by Honey Bucket, Woolen Men, Lithics, and L.O.X.
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A chance to recycle preloved clothes, books, accessories and fall in love with some "new to you" items. This is an educational event to bring to light alternatives and creative ways to live more sustainable. It is suppose to be simple and fun. The rules are simple: 1. Bring what you want to rehome - Do you have books, shoes or clothes that you don’t use anymore? Please, bring them and place them to the designated areas. 2. Do you find something you love? Feel free to take it. 3. We do not check how much you bring and take, because we believe that everyone will make a fair contribution. BUT please keep in mind, number of pieces you bring = number of pieces you take (if you take more, it is not a problem) 4. We do not accept bigger amounts of clothes! 5. Have fun! Free entrance!
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Zajtrk koncert 5. julij ob 19:30

Zajtrk sestavljata Laura Krajnc (vokal, violina, tamburinček) in Sven Horvat (kitara). Njuno glasbeno sodelovanje sta pričela z igranjem na ulicah, potem pa so iz Laurine poezije in hudomušnih pesnitev začele nastajati avtorske pesmi, ki jih Sven in Laura (največkrat popolnoma spontano) ustvarjata skupaj. Zajtrk žanrsko ni omejen, temveč ravno z raznolikostjo žanrov poskuša v pesmih z le-temi poudariti samo zgodbo, občutek. Kot je Peter Barbarič žanrsko odlično opredelil Zajtrk : »Njune skladbe prepletajo folk in etno glasbo s punk šansonom, kabarejem, jazzom, bluesom, popom in rockom v prepoznaven, pogosto trd alternativni kantavtorski izraz.« Teme besedil segajo od družbeno-kritičnih, satiričnih, humornih, hudomušnih in skrajno liričnih tem, v besedilih je veliko igre z jezikom, besedila pa so v slovenščini. Zajtrk za teme besedil tudi večkrat črpa iz anekdot in prigod njunega vsakodnevnega življenja in ljudi, ki ju obkrožajo. Ker sta Laura in Sven oba ljubitelja gledališča (tudi uličnega), svoj nastop rada začinita z malce teatra.
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Jerry Springle concert

July 7th there is a very special concert happening at our hostel! Jerry Springle is a singer-songwriter from Ukraine. She plays on the sunny instrument from Hawaii – ukulele. Jerry performs her own songs. In 2017 she also became a participant of tv-show The Voice of Ukraine (7 season). She travels with a small guitar around Europe. Songs with ukulele bring nice atmosphere and happyness to every single person, who listens to them.
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Morning Yoga + Healthy Breakfast

We are starting with regular morning yoga sessions in our atrium! The sessions are open to our guests and to the locals. After stretching a healthy breakfast awaits for you at our bar!
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Art For Sleep Exchange: Nikolina Žabčić "KNOCK KNOCK KNOCK" exhibition opening July 6th

We are presenting a young Croatian artist Nikolina Žabčić and her exhibition "KNOCK KNOCK KNOCK" which is a story of a calendar and a young boy exploring the specifics of each month. Welcome to Hostel Tresor - Ljubljana for the opening Saturday July 6th at 6pm! „KNOCK KNOCK KNOCK - What month is today?“ came out from collaboration between two friends- Sunčica Sodar and Nikolina Žabčić. It is a story written for children's book on a theme about calendar which introduces little boy with all twelve months and everything that comes with each of them. It will be produced next year but since I really value this story and believe in it, I just can't wait the moment when it will be finished. This is introduction to everything that comes next year. My name is Nikolina Žabčić and I am BA student of animated film on Academy of Fine Arts Zagreb. Next to my love that I share for film I find myself calm and really peaceful within the medium of illustration. In the last two years I've participated in few group exhibitions and one solo, exhibited in Infozona in Split under the headline „Little amusement“. Also, I work as an illustrator for publisher Školska knjiga, animator for Fraktura and production house Nukleus Film. It took me awhile to find out where all my ideas come from, but in time I find myself really connected to storytelling, rather than abstract and undefined forms. Books open and expand my mind and as much as I have narrative element in movie, I tend to have it in drawing also.
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Changes, Changes

Milk cartons, beer cans, plastic bottles, more beer cans… We looked at our garbage bin, then we took a looong hard look at ourselves, raised our eyebrows (don't all big changes begin with raised eybrows?) and decided OK, we're doing this. Now. What can't be reused, recycled or composted can wave a sweet goodbye to our bar, as we are going waste-free. We no longer want to contribute to the plastic floating in oceans which with time degrades to microplastic and gets eaten by birds and fish and whales and turtles and oh too many other animals! We're sorry! So, from now on, with all this awful images stuck in our mind- we are getting our milk from the milk vending machine, water will only be poured from the tap (Slovenija has the most amazing tap water, don't be afraid of it!), we will serve lose tea only, juice will be delivered by the farmer himself (in glass bottles, of course), we will have our own herb garden and So. Much. More. We will support small local businesses, craft breweries, craft gin distilleries (gintonic anyone?), small coffee producers and just do our best to make this world even better. Yes! We can't wait for you to visit and see what we've got!
#zerowaste ##saynotoplastic #tresorbar
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Art For Sleep Exchange Project

Dear travelling artists! In exchange for a concert, workshop, exhibition, performance etc. at our hostel we provide you with free accommodation on the night of your performance! Applications:
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every first Tuesday of the month 5pm - 8pm // , 4. junij 2019

SWAP #15

A chance to recycle preloved clothes, books, accessories and fall in love with some "new to you" items. This is an educational event to bring to light alternatives and creative ways to live more sustainable. It is suppose to be simple and fun. The rules are simple: 1. Bring what you want to rehome - Do you have books, shoes or clothes that you don’t use anymore? Please, bring them and place them to the designated areas. 2. Do you find something you love? Feel free to take it. 3. We do not check how much you bring and take, because we believe that everyone will make a fair contribution. BUT please keep in mind, number of pieces you bring = number of pieces you take (if you take more, it is not a problem) 4. We do not accept bigger amounts of clothes! 5. Have fun! Free entrance!
swap, izmenjevalnica oblačil, eco friendly, zero waste
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